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So, I Wrote My First "Hello World" Android App...

Posted by Brad Wood
Oct 07, 2009 04:04:00 UTC
My friend John dreams 3 or 4 get-rich schemes every week. Most of them involve technology, and he generally tries to talk me into helping him with them. He can never be dissuaded from the belief that each of his brainstorms are nothing short of an entrepreneurial pot of gold. These revelations, of course, come despite the fact that he has virtually no programming experience and even less start-up capital. Most of his recent ideas have all been centered around the new Google Android phones and the ability to write apps for them. After listening to him babble about Android app development for several weeks straight, I decided to download the Android SDK and play around with it.

Server Hardening: What Ports Do I Have Open?

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 22, 2009 06:52:00 UTC
When you think of your production servers, you need to imagine them as your car sporting a new stereo in a parking lot with a bunch of would-be burglars milling around outside constantly checking each window and door to make sure you locked it tightly the last time you had it open. Every door, window, or keyless entry system is a potential point of invasion that can fail you. Why do you think those brinks trucks have no windows and the only way in the back is a single, beefy, padlocked door. A Brinks truck may not be convenient to access, but that isn't their goal. You need to control the ways into your server with the same gusto.

How To Get The SQL Server SPID Out Of SeeFusion

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 22, 2009 05:19:00 UTC
I've never kept too quiet about my affection for SeeFusion as a ColdFusion monitoring tool. I use it for debugging, performance monitoring, and basic metrics gathering. Here's an old note on the JDBC URL wrappers that I found myself digging up last week. I don't even think you can find this nugget on the official SeeFusion site.

Phone Plan Matchup: SQL Brute Force Method

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 07, 2009 17:54:00 UTC
A few days ago on CF-Talk Greg Morphis asked for a method to find the cheapest combination of phone plans that satisfy a customer's requirements for the number of lines being used and the amount of minutes to share between the plans. At first, I thought the answer could be derived directly, but since the plans and their relative price/minute values are essentially random, they create different price breaks that change as you add minutes and lines. This means one combination of plans might be the cheapest for 500 minutes, but once you increase that to 600 minutes, a completely different set of plans might come into play that are now the cheapest.

MVC Question: What Should The Controller Pass The View?

Posted by Brad Wood
Sep 05, 2009 07:08:00 UTC
I think the bane of development planning can be those conversations where you personify your framework and start debating about what a service should "know", whose "job" a particular operation is, or what the handler should "care" about. This is one of those sort of questions, but I'll keep it brief since I'm more interested in your opinions than my ramblings.

SQL Server 2000 NULL Bug When Left Outer Joining A Nested View

Posted by Brad Wood
Aug 21, 2009 08:37:00 UTC
I found a very interesting behavior today with SQL Server 2000 SP4 that I'm most certain is a bug. I Googled for a while and found a couple old threads bringing up similar issues but they were without confirmation nor resolution. My actual use case was fairly complicated and confusing. I thought long and hard and came up with a simple example of the problem that still made a shred of sense.

ColdFusion UDF: Calculate A Number's Divisors

Posted by Brad Wood
Aug 15, 2009 06:24:00 UTC
Here's another UDF I was tinkering with last week. I wanted to be able to count all of the numbers that divided evenly into a given integer. I couldn't find a ColdFusion implementation, so after getting some advice from Stack Overflow I created my own.

Calculate Prime Numbers: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Posted by Brad Wood
Aug 14, 2009 06:34:00 UTC
Ahh... the quintessential math problem-- finding prime numbers. Last week while tinkering with a math challenge I needed to find all of the primes up to a given number. There was a version on, but I thought I could do it in less code, so I dug in myself.

Bit By ANSI_NULLS- Are Your Nulls Antsy Too?

Posted by Brad Wood
Aug 05, 2009 07:39:00 UTC
I had one of those (all-too common) moments today that I spent scratching my head at a page of SQL code that was failing for no apparent reason. What's worse is the EXACT same code worked in another window. After a good deal of poking and prodding I figured out what was wrong and it involved my ANSI_NULLS setting

Bolt, Centuar, Flash Catalyst, and Gumbo features

Posted by Brad Wood
Jun 20, 2009 06:56:00 UTC
This Wednesday Adobe's Kevin Hoyt spoke in Kansas City to a captive audience of about 75 people including ColdFusion programmers, HTML/CSS builders, and designers. The meeting was great. It also included Jack Stack BBQ and shwag from Uhlig, Emfluence, and Tek Systems to name a few. Kevin didn't drop any bombs I hadn't heard about yet, but there were definitely a few things I learned about Adobe's up-and-coming products. Here's a quick overview of my notes:

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