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CFClient: The Agony & The Ecstasy -- Making It Purty

Posted by Brad Wood
Jan 09, 2015 10:32:00 UTC

In my last entry, I discussed my decision to  create a "CFClient Sampler" app that would simultaneously allow me to play with each mobile client API, all the while providing the community with some nature of blog-based documentary on my attempt.  With a solid proof of concept under my belt (and on GitHub) I pushed forward with two goals in mind this time:

  1. Pick another API to play with
  2. Figure out some organization for the code before it got out of hand
  3. Ok, I guess there was a third goal too:  Make it not so ugly.

I'll start with the last one, which was to make the app not look like a middle schooler banging something out with Microsoft FrontPage.  Quite frankly, I suck at UI stuff.  I'm a "function over form" guy and I'm quite happy architecting the back end of an application far far away from the perils of CSS, responsive layouts, and viewports.   For this I used my phone-a-friend and dialed up jQuery Mobile.  JQM has been around for a while and it doesn't make web pages that very unique (kind of like the BootStrap cookie cutter sites) but it's stupid simple to setup and covers every major navigation, button, control, and layout concern I'll be detailing with.  

My CFClient Proof Of Concept and GapDebug

Posted by Brad Wood
Jan 07, 2015 21:18:00 UTC

So, in my first entry I discussed that I'm trying my hand at CFClient, mostly drawn to the idea of winning a $1000 gift card from Adobe.  Previously I followed Ram's YouTube videos and articles on setting up a Mobile project in ColdFusion Builder, installing his sample app, compiling that app via Adobe's cloud-based PhoneGap server, and installing it.

This venture was met with mixed success.  The PhoneGap shell app which allows one to test without needing to recompile after EVERY code change fell flat out of the gate for me.  I'm still waiting to hear back from Adobe on that.  I was able to compile and run the sample app, but couldn't get the file APIs to work.  I've sort of given up on that for now-- there's just not enough time to keep banging my head on that wall for the time being.

My First Foray Into CFClient

Posted by Brad Wood
Jan 03, 2015 01:10:00 UTC

This didn't start as a blog entry.  I originally typed it up as an E-mail to Anit Kumar, Adobe's rockstar support guy who offered to help me on Twitter.  See, I'm trying to build a mobile app using ColdFusion 11 mobile technology to have a chance at winning the $1,000 prize from Adobe's little contest.  If you didn't know about it, please forget about it-- I don't want any more competition :)

So after several hours of fiddling yesterday, I got a lot of the workflow understood and working but still have some major hang ups and questions.  After I finished typing this E-mail to Anit, I thought to myself, "Self, why not make this conversation public so everyone can benifit from it?"  There's precious little information about CFClient out there already and some people like Adam C has already expressed interest in hearing my experiences-- not that I expect to sell him on CFClient or anything :)  

This is a little rambly and I apologize for that.  I'll try to blog some more organized thoughts after I get this all working.  So, without further ado... Anit, please reply here if you can just so everyone can benefit from the answers-- even if it means I'm a numbskull and did it all wrong.

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